Geoffrey Hinton Aka Godfather Of AI Quits Google To Speak Openly About the dangers of AI Technology.

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Geoffrey Everest Hinton is a British Canadian 75 years old Cognitive Psychologist and Computer scientist who has expertise in AI technology. He is Best Known for his work in Artificial Neural Networks.
Geoffrey Hinton is famously called as Godfather of Artificial Intelligence because of his notable work in the field of artificial intelligence. He worked for Google for a long period of time and played a significant role in developing the AI chatbot for Google.
Geoffrey left Google officially in May 2023 in view to talking more openly about the possible risks and dangers of AI technology. He previously informed Google about the possible future risks but when all other companies started incorporating Chabot he thought it is time to speak about it. So he resigned from Google and spoke about the dangers that AI might create in the future.
Geoffrey stated that” I do not resign from Google to criticize Google’s take on artificial intelligence rather google acted responsibly while using AI. He resigned so that Google’s image should not get maligned and to be vocal about the negative outcome of AI technology. He further stated in an interview given to one of the news channels that super-intelligent machines can overpower humans.”

Hinton Completed his graduation in psychology in 1970 from Kings College, University of Cambridge, and his Doctorate from the University of Edinburg in 1976 in artificial intelligence. He worked for Google while kept teaching at the University of Toronto.
He also participated in several other projects on research related to AI, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Learning. Most famous of all is “Backpropagation Algorithm to train multiple layers of neural links” published in 1986. He was associated with David Rumelhart and Ronald J Williams for this research. His other big projects were “AlexNet” and “ImageNat Challenge” In association with his student created a disruption in the field of deep learning and AI technology. This is what lead people to called as Godfather of AI or the Father of Deep Learning.
Hinton received the prestigious Turin Award for his work in 2018. Now After his resignation, he has become the voice of all the misuse and dangers that AI technology will create in the future by not keeping taps on it.
Well, Geoffrey is not the only one who spoke openly about his topic, Elon Musk continuously spoke about the danger of AI in various speeches and interviews. Though he is one of the investors in OpenAI company he resigned from the board of trustees long back.

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